Starting out

Mvc001sWhat is the blog about?  To tell the truth, I don’t really know yet.  It’s probably something to do with writing, remembering and recording.  This is not very original but then what is?  I have the feeling of life passing by, of being busy and wanting to stop and record something of it.  Diaries are no use to me.  But maybe an online journal will be.  Hence the trial period and hence the time to decide whether or not it’s for me or not.

How much to give away?  A little but about work even though this doesn’t actually define me (not totally anyway).  Well, I’m a teacher educator and I have the misfortune to work with computers (but not in any money-making capacity).  Instead of making the sort of sums that most computer types make, I just write and talk about their use in education. I work in the HE sector in a UK university.  I also work in schools sometimes.  Why is this a misfortune? Because people will stereotype you as being interested in bandwidth, RAM, cables, screens, PC v Apple (I use both – so erm?), etc. etc. And I am up to a point but not to go on about it (although I am in fact now going on about it). I’m interested in what they make happen, how this happens and why it seems to be changing so much about what we think of as literacy and learning.

So I don’t think this is going to be about work except in the sense that I will learn more about what it feels like to blog than to just read a blog or talk about it.

I’m in awe of some of the blogging community. That ability to turn experience into prose so quickly!  I do it sometimes in an email.  But in that case I know where it’s going.  I don’t know who this goes to (if anyone).  So in some senses it’s an experiment.  Blogging to no-one in particular.

Why boxofstars?  Perhaps I’d better save it for another time.

Why now?  Because I feel the pressure of time marching on and on and I’m not saying or thinking about what is going on around me. 

What kinds of things might I write about then?  Some work, some home, the local supermarket, music that I make and that other people make, family (maybe – don’tknow what they will make of it).  I think this is just taking experience outside and wandering around with it and seeing what happens.  Oh yes, and the photos too – there are thousands of these all over the various computers I use so these might feature and actually get seen and sprak some writing.  And some will be over at flickr too.

Perthaps it’s a kind of mind gym.  Focus on something for a short while and write about it. Do something instead of endlessly consuming media.  Make something.  So here it is.

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